The First Free Energy Generator That VIOLATES All Laws Of Physics and HUMILIATES Top Scientists (even after 96 years) … Making them All Scream: “IT’S FROM GOD !”
Hi, my name is Brian Cole.
And I’ve found an amazing way to slash your monthly power bill by 82% or more guaranteed. All due to THIS brand-new discovery that manages to create a loophole in the greedy energy industry.
This video is free …. But confidential…. Turn up the volume… Pay very close attention…because from today your life won’t be the same. You’re about to become energy free after years of suppression…
We’re about to unleash a powerful invention from 1927 … that secretly “powered” the famous Col. Charles Lindbergh to be the first one crossing the Atlantic with an airplane without a stop… and helped thousands of other people like you to slash their electric bill by up to 90% or more…
… and HOW Big Energy CATS SUPPRESSED the miraculous device (until Today) in one of the biggest conspiracies of humankind … while they made you pay hundreds of dollars every single month… when… all this time… THEY SHOULD HAVE paid YOU big checks for putting extra electricity into the grid.
I’m talking about these kind of checks:
The young Charles Lindberg kissed his mom and went into the most important journey of his life. Actually, this was the ZERO day for the aviation because this handsome colonel was trying to cross the Atlantic without stopping from NEW York to Paris.
No one trusted him because at that time it seemed an impossible task…but still thousands of people gathered out of curiosity …
Lindbergh was confident… He knew that he could do it…and he was sure that he could rely on his airplane. Here’s a rare video of that moment…
33.5 hours later Lindbergh was arriving in PARIS after a 4,000 mile flight… He became the first man who crossed the Atlantic in a commercial flight…without a STOP …or refuelling.
A few days later he got back to the USA. The first person who hugged was not his mom… was not his wife…. was not even the president of the US Calvin Coolidge who had waited for him personally.
…Lindbergh went and hugged the man who silently watched over the entire operation…and secretly made that success possible. With tears in his eyes he said: “Thank You LESTER! I couldn’t have done without you”.
A “backyard” inventor that Lindbergh trusted and respected more than anybody else:
It was a big success for the United States and for Charles Lindbergh who knew that he couldn’t have achieved all these without the help of Lester Hendershot.
Only 3 people from their team knew exactly what was going on…and that this big HIT had an amazing secret. Newspapers, television and mobs didn’t need to know what was really going on with Lindbergh’s plane….and why Lester Hendershot was the main key of the entire operation…
You see…at the first sight everything was normal with the engine… but in a hidden compartment they put Hendershot’s invention: a perpetual generator that could run without fuel…. thousands of hours… and give the extra energy that Lindberg’s airplane needed it to cross the 4,000 miles Atlantic.
They wanted to keep it secret but somehow a technician who helped them with the project leaked this information to a local newspaper. Sounds too good to be true? Well ‘’The Newspaper for Central South Dakota’’ couldn’t believe it either?
It makes a lot of sense today. The aviation science was at the beginning…. and official documents show that Lindbergh’s airplane (“Spirit Of Saint Louis”) was weighing about 2060 lbs.
You’ve got to understand that airplanes of that time were not the technical masterpieces of today. Their engines were big and noisy, and they were gobbling up kerosene like a fat kid in a candy store. In fact, that’s the reason why everyone and their mom were screaming: “crossing the Atlantic is nothing but a pipe dream”
There is no way that it would have crossed 4,000 miles over the Atlantic… without an ace up the sleeve.
…and that was Hendershot’s invention: A phenomenal perpetual generator that could generate endless energy…” feeding” itself from natural resources…
As an example, a small airplane today (similar to Lindbergh’s) has an average consumption of 6 miles per gallon. A simple math tells us that the “Spirit of Saint Louis” airplane would have needed roughly 670 gallons for 4000 miles.
The entire weight of the airplane was 2060 lbs. So, you do the math and you’ll see that it would have been impossible…
Most people didn’t care about the nitty-gritty details. They just wanted the record… and thanks to the miracle generator LINDBERGH managed to achieve it. The newspapers were happy, the politicians were happy… it was like magic.
Lester Hendershot was born in 1898. He was down to earth even since he was a kid…. but at the same time he proved to be a genius: a practical genius…. As a kid he was passionate about building all kinds of awesome toys…while his friends were playing hide and seek.
He was very different from everybody else. When he was 10, he took the pedals from his father’s bike and placed them on a wooden structure. The weird device he had built was just a small ugly car…. With some tricks invented by himself he was able to move more than 300 yards pedalling once (a rotation) …. on a straight road.
His father was amazed… and he became the most famous kid in the neighbourhood.
It was obvious that he would become a big inventor one day… but no one could anticipate that he was going to invent the free energy generator that could set people, energy INDEPENDENT.
He studied mechanics at Cornell University… but he didn’t want to continue his academic studies. He felt that he belonged among wires, and wheels… and junkyard…. always trying to invent practical things…that could help other people live a better life.
During that time, he was named “the junkyard inventor”. Years have passed and he remained the same: working all day long… living in his world…. and dreaming to change the world.
Most people called Lester a freak… but there were some other kinds of people who became interested in his little practical inventions. It happened that Charles Lindbergh lived in the same neighbourhood with Hendershot…and he heard the rumours about the “junkyard” inventor…
One day Charles Lindberg …the handsome aviator paid him a visit and asked Lester to help him with a big task , the development of a free energy generator that could help him with his upcoming important flight.
He agreed and he was very enthusiastic at the beginning… but after the first “test” flight when he was supposed to study the principle of the generator he realized that certain problems might come up during the flight because he wouldn’t have the chance to test the generator properly.
He was afraid to get involved because he knew that the military would rely on his work…and if something went wrong…he’d be responsible for those soldier’s lives…. although he was very confident that he could come up with a great free energy generator…
He was under too much pressure … being the one who always tried to help others… and he decided to quit the project.
Lindbergh was disappointed but ultimately, he understood the situation.
For a few months Hendershot didn’t touch anything… His world had been turned upside down… and even though he knew for sure that he could make a great contribution to developing a free energy generator… the stakes were just too high.
Months later, while he was attending “The Inventica” show he had the pleasure to meet NIKOLA TESLA, personally. Now old, the legend TESLA was barely able to move. The sparkles in his eyes were not the same anymore.
He was just a shadow of the famous TESLA he once was. All the battles against JP Morgan (the biggest investors of the time) left marks on him…and brought him to bankruptcy. That could be seen easily on his face…
Suddenly, Hendershot’s heart started to pump. Tesla was his secret mentor ever since he was a kid. He had studied all his books… and all his inventions… and now he finally had the chance to meet him.
Once the show finished Hendershot dared to approach the old man… He explained him how much his inventions and his books inspired him… and also asked him for advice regarding the free energy generator that he wanted to build for Charlie’s airplane…
The old man TESLA… pondered for a few seconds and then he replied:
…and the old man left…buried in his thoughts as nothing happened.
That moment meant a lot more for Hendershot…it was the moment that had shaken his world. It was the moment he decided to start everything all over again.
The next day he went to Lindbergh determined to resume the project of creating the free energy generator… Lindbergh was thrilled. After a few days of relentless work…and quite by accident… he made a discovery that would revolutionize the energy world forever…
The miraculous Free Energy Generator…
The GENIUS SPARKLE CAME when he realized that the ultimate innovation of aviation depended mostly upon the invention of an absolutely authentic and reliable device that could run independently without touching it.
And the discovery of a new FREE ENERGY device was only one step away… an ingenious junkyard invention that has its components wisely placed in a small box and create a rotary motion that generates electricity like crazy.
All you need is two types of materials rubbing with a fan installed inside of a box.
These materials electrify by transferring an enormous number of electrons from one atom to another.
Using the oxygen from the fan, which is a good electrical conductor, and with the help of threads that extend along the box, this energy is captured and transmitted outside the box.
That was the discovery that will revolutionize the world… and based on this principle he created the generator that was put to help Lindberg’s motor …
After Charles Lindberg crossed the Atlantic and became a national hero… Hendershot decided to make his miraculous generator public… because he really wanted to help other people. Obviously, he didn’t admit that his engine was “guilty” for Lindbergh’s success.
Why not?
It’s been said that Lindberg had a “non-disclosure agreement” with his sponsors: some big shots oil and coil company… Even then, these fat cats were thinking about suppression and they didn’t want to say a word about free energy alternatives, because they wanted to encourage the oil and coil consumption…not a device that generates free energy.
Their motto was: “If we cannot put a meter on it… we won’t back it”.
Months later, after things settled and people stopped talking about Lindbergh’ success, Hendershot was finally able to show it to the public. The big companies were not happy…but they couldn’t stop the newspapers “hungry” for sensational…
The experiment that DESTROYED the skeptical scientists…
The first significant experiments on the motor version were held at Selfridge Field, Detroit, under the direction of Major Thomas G. Lanphier, commandant of the field and leader of the First Pursuit Group.
The device demonstrated at Selfridge was a small model of what he hoped would be developed at a large scale and help the average American generate free electricity for their home.”
Hendershot had first shown the military brass how his model worked, then he supervised army technicians in building their own working model, which went perfectly.
Major Lanphier said that the electrical men to whom they had shown the motor “… laughed at the way we wired it up and said it wouldn’t work. Then it DID work.”
Major Lanphier’s comments to reporters after the demonstrations were:
It was the Selfridge Field experiment which touched off the series of stories in the national press. Stories with blaring headlines in such papers as the Detroit Free Press, Detroit News, Detroit Times, Pittsburgh papers, The New York Times, and many others.
Most of them tagged the instrument demonstrated at Selfridge the “miracle motor,” and there were pictures of Major Lanphier and Col. Lindbergh, Hendershot and the motor.
The big energy companies took a big hit. They couldn’t believe their eyes that it was happening: the incredible generator that they tried so desperately to hide… it was now presented to the public.
They had to do something… Therefore, they sent their foremost expert, dr. Hochstetter from Hochstetter Research Laboratories to demonstrate that the generator doesn’t work…and to find a way to make it look ridiculous.
As skeptical as he was, he saw the invention with his own eyes – and that it was working. He tried for months and months to destroy this guy…and he felt the pressure of his bosses telling him: “C’mon, find something on that inventor because it will ruin our business. Destroy him!” …but he just couldn’t find anything…
Soon he had enough of all the pressure and said: “I will let the whole world know about this amazing invention”. But then, days later, he died in the train that was carrying him to Ohio – the place where he wanted to make the announcement.
He was the only passenger on the whole train who lost his life!
As suddenly as it all started, the publicity and sensationalism of the Hendershot motor stopped.
The last news story to appear was on March 9, 1928, when a small article appeared in most papers saying that Lester Hendershot was a patient at Emergency Hospital in Washington.
Shockingly, Hendershot became paralyzed from a 2000-volt bolt of electricity from a machine he had been working on and grown familiar with for several years. After the supposed accident, Hendershot was paralyzed in arms and legs and palate (so he could talk to no one). It’s kind of weird that the “master” of electricity got electrocuted….
This man is a hero… he remained paralyzed till he died at the age of 60…but he never wanted to sell the patent of his offer… hoping that one day someone will put into practice on a large scale his invention.
Over the years tens of scientists have looked into his discovery …and not even today… after 96 years…they cannot explain it entirely.
Moreover, some say that it violates the first law of physics and that it has to be from GOD.
People stayed in dark for 9 decades… paying hundreds of dollars each month … for something that should be absolutely free.
You are in the same situations…and probably you didn’t do anything about it…. Now all these are about to end… Right now, I’m going to reveal you today.
After Lester Hendershot died in 1960, it seemed that the opportunity to see the Hendershot generator in action… and to actually use it to generate electricity without depending on the electric company… was lost.
But a brand-new discovery in patent agreement has created a loophole… Very few knew that with a few days before Hendershot died… the big oil and coil company that had harassed him for all his life…managed to acquire the patents from Lester for $25,000… to make sure no one gets access to the plans and builds the device to be sold at industrial scale…
In a strange chain of events the plans have leaked and we were able to finally to put our hands on it. To our surprise in those documents, it states clearly that the device can be built at home…. but not on industrial scale to be sold. So once again, making 100% free electricity is possible again…
It’s simple:
While it’s forbidden for anyone to try to build the device industrially and sell it (because of patent agreement) … no one says you can’t MAKE one and generate your own electricity!
It’s easier than you think… even if you’ve never built anything before. Especially if you’ve never built anything before!
Remember when we mentioned Hendershot’s fondness for practical inventions, that he was named “the junkyard inventor”? Well, his motor was THAT kind of invention: something incredibly simple to assemble… yet so genuinely different from anything else you’ve ever seen, you’ll slap yourself for not trying it before.
Yet Hendershot’s invention was not meant for DIY. Simple as it was, it was still pretty difficult to build for the average guy.
And even though you can find Hendershot’s original blueprints on a few websites… you’ll discover that without the full proper instructions, they’re pretty useless.
And that’s where we come into the picture.
We’ve assembled a crack team of scientists and engineers… and with their help, we’ve created a quick and easy guide you can use to make your own Hendershot Perpetual Generator, a simple, yet ingenious, so called junkyard invention that can slash your electric bill by 75%… or more… in as little as a month.
The results are impressive. Because once you discover just how easy it is to build the Hendershot Perpetual Generator…
What’s more… because the Hendershot Perpetual Generator is very light and portable, it makes for one of the best “emergency” generators you could ever hope for. Unlike solar panels, it won’t get blown off the roof by strong winds or hurricanes. That’s because you can install it in your basement, or in your backyard… and not worry about weather conditions for one second.
Unlike classic and outdated generators, this does not smoke, does not make noise and you will not have to waste hundreds of dollars on fuel.
In fact, there’s very little to spend at all. Except for a simple maintenance check every few months, the generator is basically “set and forget”.
It’s no wonder people are raving about it.
In the short time we’ve made this available to the public, those who tried the device got impressive results.
And hundreds of others who are now paying less than half of what they used to… and saving thousands of dollars each year on electricity, because of the Hendershot Perpetual Generator.
The bottom line is, if you want to “cut the cord” and free yourself from the electric company… you need to hear all about the Hendershot Perpetual Generator Photos and Video Recordings of the guide.
We took Hendershot’s intricate designs… originally created for the industrial manufacturing of his perpetual generator … and “translated” them into plain-English, so that anyone – no matter what age or skill – can make their own electricity and reduce their electricity bills up to 90% or even more.
Digital Product. Image for visualization purpose only.
So, it’s very simple to build even if you’re a beginner…
Remember – Hendershot used junkyard parts for most of his inventions… and they still worked. That’s why, even though the Hendershot Perpetual Generator isn’t something you’d call “pretty” … it’s incredibly easy to build, even for a complete newbie.
The Hendershot Perpetual Generator is an amazing device that’s already changing thousands of lives all around the world. We’ve got reports of people saving as little as 35% on electric costs… and as much as 120% (that is… they’re now producing more electricity than they need…)
Just imagine what you could do if you weren’t forced to pay $100 or more every single month on electricity. Or, if your case is worse… and you’re among those who are forced to shell out $300 or more on electricity each month – the Hendershot Perpetual Generator could help you save more than $3500 by the end of the year!
You’re suddenly free to take care of other expenses… like improving your home, or taking your spouse to a nice dinner every once in a while. Or you can simply use this extra cash to make your retirement more enjoyable. The choice is yours – and the electric company will be picking up the tab for it.
So, it would make a lot of sense to charge a lot for the Hendershot Perpetual Generator blueprints and video guides.
But we won’t do that.
In fact, the only reason we’re even charging a fee for the blueprints and video guides is to cover our Research & Development expenses… but most of all, to pay our legal fees that keep piling up.
Even so, we won’t charge an arm and a leg for the Hendershot Perpetual Generator blueprints.
You’ll get immediate access to all the Blueprints and video guides, the step-by-step DIY manual, and the lists of tools and supplies… for just $49.95.
That’s probably less than half of what you’re paying each month on electricity… and you can recoup that investment in as little as 30 days.
Getting the blueprints video guides for the Hendershot Perpetual Generator is easy.
Just click the yellow “Order Now” button below, and you’ll be taken to our secure order page.
TODAY ONLY $99 $49.95
You will IMMEDIATELY receive all the pictures, drawings, video recordings, all the step planes explained step by step and you will have access to the list of tools and supplies…
We’re very confident that the Hendershot Perpetual Generator we’ll change your life…
And the price doesn’t even matter. That’s because our “Money Back Guarantee” protects you for a full 60 days.
It’s simple:
Get the blueprints and video guides today… and put them to the test. See how easy it is to make your own electricity with a Hendershot Perpetual Generator. Watch as your power meter slows down the moment you plug your generator in. And see what it’s like to slash your electric bill by 50%… 75% or more… in less than 2 months.
You have 60 days to decide whether this was a good investment or not. And if you’re less than thrilled with how much you’re saving on electricity, just write us a short email at the address you’ll find in the members area. We’ll give you BACK THE AMOUNT YOU INVESTED – even if it’s the 23rd hour of the 59th day.
TODAY ONLY $99 $49.95
TODAY ONLY $99 $49.95
But you need to move fast. This isn’t the first time we’ve attempted to make Hendershot’s work public. The first time we did it, we were able to keep the doors open for almost two weeks, until the electric companies found out about it. Almost 500 people got access to the blueprints, and the success stories have been pouring ever since.
But when Big Energy set their legal hounds on us, we were forced to take the website down, and “close shop” for almost a year. Now we’re back online – and hoping that this time we’ll be able to stay up for more than just two weeks. But the fact is, we don’t have the money, nor the mental strength to be constantly battling an army of lawyers… so this could be taken down at any time.
The choice should be obvious. For less than the price of your monthly electric bill… you can do more than just cut your electric bill by 50% or 75%. You’ll also be sending a powerful message to the electric companies. You’re showing them that you can take a stand – and that you can become “energy independent” on your own, without needing a single Watt of their expensive electricity.
And just imagine how your life will be just two months after making the Hendershot Perpetual Generator. Picture this: You’re coming home from work, and you notice there’s a fresh envelope in the mail. It’s a bill from the electric company… but as you rip it open, you notice that something’s different:
This time, the amount is way lower than before! This time, you will be able to enjoy the savings, perhaps buy yourself something you have been wishing for years, make some home improvements or even spend a nice, relaxing vacation with your dear ones.
And all this… just from keeping the Hendershot Perpetual Generator on.
And month after month, you get the same relaxed feeling that comes with not owing anyone a red cent. You’re finally free and independent… no longer trapped inside a “legal monopoly” that’s holding you at gunpoint.
The Hendershot Perpetual generator is about something bigger and more important than money. It’s about regaining your freedom – and making a stand.
Now, you can send a message to the Big Energy “fat cats” … and show them that you’re no longer depending on them. And really… the road to energy independence starts with the push of a button.
Hey, still here?
Still making your decision?
As you can imagine, I get a lot of questions about The Hendershot Perpetual Generator.
So let me go ahead and answer some of the most frequently asked questions I get about our system…and hopefully, I’ll answer any questions you may have, so you can decide if this is for you!
Our first question comes from, Lucas:
That’s a great question Lucas, I hope this answer will make you clear.
The short answer to this is “no, you don’t”.
The Hendershot Perpetual Generator is the easy to follow, step-by-step system that can help anyone slash their electric bill up to 75% or more.
The course is made up of step-by-step guides that show you how to become energetically independent.
And each guide is full of pictures and videos so you not only read exactly what to do…
You see exactly what to do as well!
It’s like having me standing there with you, guiding you every step of the way.
And it doesn’t matter if you’re not technical …
Because our course is INCREDIBLY EASY to follow and it was designed so absolutely anybody can use it…
Even if you have not done anything before!
Our methods also only require SIMPLE SUPPLIES you probably already have in your home, or can get at any local tool store or online.
Our second question comes from Oliver:
That’s a great question Jack, I hope this answer will make you clear.
And the answer is yes, absolutely!
Virtually every person who has used our The Hendershot Perpetual Generator managed to decide how much electricity they produce.
Obviously, just getting our system won’t make you instantly energetically independent!
You’ll actually have to use the simple, step-by-step methods we show you in our guide.
But our methods do work! And they’re probably a lot simpler than you think!
And this isn’t just talk because we guarantee our methods work with our 60 Day, Money Back Guarantee!
So, if for any reason you don’t like our program, just send me a quick email and I’ll refund you full purchase price in 48 hours or less NO question asked!
This money back guarantee is iron-clad good for 60 days.
So, you have absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain by trying this out right now.
Here’s another question from Tom:
That’s a great question Tom, I hope this answer will make you clear.
To build a small-scale Hendershot Perpetual Generator, you’ll need about $45 worth of parts that you can get from any electronics store.
If you want to scale it up, and get more electricity, you’ll need more expensive parts, but you’ll find that you can easily power up an entire home with under $100 in total costs.
And Alex asked:
That’s a great question Alex, I hope this answer will make you clear.
One of the most exciting things about our program is that you can instantly access ALL of our guides online in just 20 seconds from right now!
It’s simple and works like this:
You just have to click the ‘’Order Now’’ button below on this page, then enter your basic information on our secure page.
And right after that, you’ll be given instant access to The Hendershot Perpetual Generator guides.
You can then download everything and access all of the guides on your computer, phone, or tablet!
And because you can download everything to any device you want, you can access our whole program whenever you want…Even off- line.
TODAY ONLY $99 $49.95
I truly look forward to hearing about your success using the Hendershot Perpetual Generator. All rights reserved.
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Brian Cole is a pen name.